Another Gospel? By Alisa Childers

There are generally two kinds of apologetics books: those that list arguments and facts, and those that present arguments and facts through a story, usually a memoir or biography. Of the former, I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist (Turek, Geisler)...

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Confronting Old Testament Controversies

Review Many people shy away from the Old Testament–it is long, difficult to read, and stokes some controversy among Christians. Personally, I love studying the Old Testament and I’ve written about several OT books on this site (see, for example, my posts...

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Soul Reading Journal, A Review

Soul Reading Journal by  Reviewed by Katy-Anne Binstead I love stories. I’m a writer who writes mostly memoir and personal essays, I have a master’s degree in English and Creative Writing, and I’m currently pursuing a master’s degree in English Literature....

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The Curious Christian: A Conversation with Barnabas Piper

The Curious Christian: Curiosity Creates Connections There was a lot that I could have taken away from my discussion with Barnabas Piper. Aside from his (what appears to be) dry sense of humor and quick whit, he’s a deep-thinker who isn’t afraid to ask imaginative...

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When God Isn’t There

We all know the feeling. We know that feeling of emptiness, when God isn’t there. When we pray it feels like we are praying to the wall, to an absent God. We desire more of God’s presence only to feel absence. Or we look at the suffering and pain in our lives and...

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Lessons From A Hospital Bed

SPXLL At first, you may find this post and book dire and gloomy, but the fact of the matter is at some point we will all either find ourself in a hospital bed or staying at the bedside of someone. We can try to fight it, but we will eventually end up there. For...

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What Saint Paul Really Said, N.T. Wright

When we read through Scripture we often find ourselves assuming that we know all there is to know about a book or the thought process of an author. It is easy to assume that the way we read the Bible is the only right way to do it. I have found that it is often...

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Rediscovering Adam and Eve

Who were Adam and Eve? Were they real people? Were they the first human beings? What can we really learn from Scripture about Adam and Eve? And, how does it relate to the origins debate? In The Lost World of Adam and Eve, Dr. John Walton moves beyond Genesis...

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Genocide and the God of the Old Testament

In the second century AD, Marcionism erupted onto the scene of the early church. Marcion was an early church theologian who rejected the God of the Old Testament as being responsible for the material realm, rather than the spiritual realm (which was attributed to the...

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Questioning Your Doubts by Christina Powell (Monday Minute)

How can we know if God is real? Does God truly care about us? Why does God create people he knows will reject him? Why did God allow my friend to become a rape victim? Should I switch jobs? Is this person the one I should marry? If you have pondered these doubts, you...

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